
Wednesday 21 September 2011

Tongkat Ali- An excellent alternative

How much do you know about Tongkat Ali?
What comes to your mind when somebody mention about Tongkat Ali?

Remember!! Tongkat Ali is not sexual enhancement drugs. Those drugs treat erectile dysfunction but it may also lead to unexpected side effects.

Tongkat Ali is an excellent alternative which is safe to consume and its medicinal value include anti-fever, anti-cancer, anti-anxiety, anti-malarial, anti-oxidant besides increasing testosterone levels. It also increases energy production, reduces fatigue and helps to maintain healthy cardiovascular and healthy heart.

Change your mindset now!!





Men's health problem caused by low testosterone 男性健康问题,因睾酮水平低所引起

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group and is found in mammals, reptiles, birds, and other vertebrates. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the principal male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.
In men, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testis and prostate as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle, bone mass and the growth of body-hair. In addition, testosterone is essential for health and well-being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis.
On average, an adult human male body produces about ten times more testosterone than an adult human female body, but females are more sensitive to the hormone.

Testosterone in men's health  
1. Testosterone is a hormone helps in building male's bone, increase bone density, bone mineral and prevent osteoporosis.
2. Testosterone able to increase the number of red blood cells and provide oxygen supply thus enhance overall vitality. 
3. Testosterone able to increase muscle strength, muscle fiber diameter and improves blood sugar level, lower blood pressure and increase insulin sensitivity thus improves muscle and body fat. 
4. Testosterone helps to improve sexual health, lower cholesterol and body fat and increase muscle strength.
5. Testosterone significantly enhance body High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C), or 'good' cholesterol thus helps to maintain healthy heart.
6. Brain function. Testosterone helps to improve memory and reduce anxiety and anger. 

Testosterone in women's health  Female body testosterone level is about 10% of men. Although is just 10% of testosterone yet contributing big impact to female health.  Testosterone is one of the hormone needed in women's health, just like estrogen and progestrogen.   

1. Testosterone helps to improve women's mental condition and health. Low testosterone level might lead to depression, osteoporosis, low libido and increase of body fat.  
2. Increase of testosterone level improves sexual health, ease menopausal symptoms thus significantly increase women's mood, libido and health.
3. Able to improve aging symptoms such as osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and may increase bone density and prevent breast cancer.
Symptoms of low testosterone includes:
  • Erectile dysfunction (problems with erections)
  • Loss of libido (low sex drive)
  • Mood disturbance, including depression, irritability and feeling tired
  • Loss of muscle size and strength
  • Osteoporosis (bone thinning)
  • Increased body fat
  • Difficulty with concentration and memory loss
  • Sleep difficulties



1. 睾酮素是建造男性骨骼的荷尔蒙,可增加骨质密度、骨骼的矿物质,预防骨质疏松。
2. 增强整体活力,因睾酮素可增加红细胞数目,从而能提供运输氧气的服务。
3. 有效改善肌肉与肥胖。因为睾酮素能增加肌肉强度与肌肉纤维的直径,并可改善血糖量,降低血压并增加胰岛素的敏感性。
4. 改善性方面的健康,亦能降低胆固醇与体脂肪,提升肌肉强度。
5. 帮助维持心脏方面的健康,因为睾酮素可以很明显地提升身体的高密度蛋白(优良的)胆固醇量。
6. 脑部功能,睾酮素能改善记忆力与空间能力,并可以减轻焦虑与怒气。


1. 睾酮素对女性精神状态和心理健康方面有显著的改善作用,因为睾酮素过低,可导致机体产生抑郁症,骨质疏松,性欲减退及脂肪增加。
2. 睾酮素的增加可改善性方面的健康,缓解绝经期症状,使女性的心情,性欲及健康感明显提高。
3. 可改善一些相关的衰老症状,比如骨质疏松,动脉硬化,并可增加骨骼密度,预防乳腺癌。

  • 勃起障碍
  • 性欲低
  • 情绪问题如抑郁、烦躁、疲累
  • 肌肉松弛
  • 骨骼疏松
  • 身体脂肪增加
  • 集中力减低,记忆力衰退
  • 睡眠问题

Source 资料源自:

About Tongkat Ali 关于东革阿里

Tongkat Ali or its scientific name Eurycoma longifolia Jack, also known as “Malaysian Ginseng”, is a natural plant which grows in Malaysian tropical rainforest. Tongkat Ali is widely used in the preparation of Malay traditional medicine to boost energy, stamina and physical health in general.

Scientific name:Eurycoma longifolia Jack (latin)
Malay name:Tongkat Ali (Ali’s walking stick)
Vietnam name:Cay Ba Binh( the tree that can cure all diseases)
Chinese name:东革阿里(translated from Malay)
Tongkat Ali can be used in the preparation of Malay traditional medicine by boiling it in order to extract the tonic for the purpose of healing fever, headache, stomach ache and to restore physical health in general. What makes Tongkat Ali unique is that every time it is consumed in its tonic form, one will be energized and healthy.

Research on Tongkat Ali
  • Helps to improve libido and increases testosterone level
Weak libido and low testosterone levels are among the most common causes of Erectile Dysfuntion (male impotence). Tongkat Ali helps to improve libido and increases testosterone levels.  Testosterone enchances role in the treatment of male impotence. Tongkat Ali is also believed to improve sperm count and quality, thus adding to its benefit in helping couples with fertility problem due to low sperm count (Sunday Times, May 30th, 1999).
  • Anti-Oxidant Properties
Studies conducted by the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) and the department of Science, University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) discovered that Tongkat Ali contains SOD (Superoxide dismutase), an anti-oxidant enzyme. The study showed that Tongkat Ali inhibited the chain reaction of radicals harmful to the body system.

  • Anti-Fever effects
In 1995, it was reported that the quassinoid from Tongkat Ali has an anti-fever effect. The quassinoid was two times more effective that aspirin.

  • Anti-Cancer
Researchers in America and Japan reported that some plant chemicals found in the quassinoids and alkaloids found in Tongkat Ali have an effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in laboratory experiments, which included breast cancer cells, colon cancer cells and leukemia. In plain English, this means that some compounds in Tongkat Ali can kill cancer cells.
Early results from a Malaysia Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study of the plant have found that some chemical constituents of Tongkat Ali show high anti-cancer and anti-HIV activity. Forest Research Institute Malaysia General Director Datuk Dr. Abdul Razak Mohd Ali said initial laboratory work had shown that a number of these chemical constituents of Tongkat Ali could be more effective than existing anti-cancer drugs.

  • Anti-Anxiety effect
Studies conducted on mice showed that Tongkat Ali has an anxiolytic effect. Mice that were given Tongkat Ali had a significant decrease in episodes of fighting. They were also able to complete more squares on a maze than they could before they consumed the Tongkat Ali. These results were found to be consistent with the anxiolytic effect produced by diazepam. Therefore, this study supports the medicinal use of Tongkat Ali for treatment of anxiety.

  • Anti-Malarial effect
Studies on the biological effects of Tongkat Ali began in the 1980's. Studies showed that the roots of Tongkat Ali contain a group of plant chemicals called quassinoid, alkaloid and peptide which has the property to kill malaria parasites.

东革阿里,学名为Eurycoma longifolia Jack, 也被称为马来西亚人参,是一种生长于马来西亚热带雨林的天然植物。它被广泛的使用于马来传统草药处方以提升精力,耐力和体力。
学名:Eurycoma longifolia Jack (拉丁文) 马来名:Tongkat Ali (马来人的拐杖)
越南名:Cay Ba Binh( 能治百病的树)


  • 提高睾酮水平进而改善性欲

  • 抗氧化

  • 抗发烧

  • 抗焦虑

  • 抗癌
  • 抗疟疾